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APC 2021 Virtual Meeting - Postponed to 2022

The APC 2021 Meeting has been postponed. Please keep an eye out for details to be announced for the 2022 meeting.

Please save the date for our 2021 Virtual meeting. Our Annual scientific meeting will be held virtually in November.

The Australasian Pancreatic Club’s Annual Scientific and Clinical Meeting will incorporate the latest scientific research and the optimal clinical management of patients with pancreatic disease. The clinical content will be discussed by a panel of experts using a case-based format and cutting-edge scientific research will be presented by experts in the field.

The 2021 meeting will be delivered as a short & sharp virtual meeting, combining scientific and clinical content including clinical cases, a summary of important scientific & clinical concepts as well as featuring abstract presentations.

We look forward to welcoming a host of Australian physicians, surgeons, radiologists, oncologists and eminent local scientists.

Get in Touch


If you have any registration, attendance, or accommodation queries, please contact our conference coordinator:

Annalee Gielb - annalee.g@asnevents.net.au

ASN Events
Suite 9/397 Smith Street
Fitzroy, VIC 3065
Ph +61 3 8658 9530

Or send a message via the online form.