
Pancreatic Club

The Australasian Pancreatic Club is an organisation for clinicians and clinical and basic science researchers interested in diseases of the pancreas focussing on its exocrine function with increasing involvement in neuroendocrine disease and diabetes of the exocrine pancreas. We aim to encourage both clinical and basic science research furthering our knowledge of and facilitating the core objective of improving the effective diagnosis and management of diseases of the pancreas. 

The APC supports close collaboration between researchers and clinicians to optimise the applicability of benchtop research to our patients. Furthermore, the APC plays an important role in advancing our understanding of the pancreas by holding an annual scientific meeting providing the opportunity for cutting edge research to be presented as well as a biennial meeting incorporating a multidisciplinary clinical pancreatology curriculum aimed at informing both emerging and established clinicians involved in the care of patients with pancreatic disease with the latest advances. This meeting incorporates information from the perspectives of gastroenterologists, pancreatologists, pancreaticobiliary surgeons, endoscopists, endocrinologists, radiologists, oncologist as well as nurses and dietitians. 

News and Updates:

This meeting will be the first major international ‘exclusively pancreas-focussed’ meeting to be held in Australia since 2007 and, as the tagline of the meeting indicates, we are curating a scientific program encompassing cutting-edge basic and clinical research in all aspects of pancreatology, with a particular emphasis on translating innovative research into improved outcomes for patients with pancreatic disease.

Cancer Australia is developing a National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap

Cancer Australia is developing a National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap to improve outcomes and survival for people with pancreatic cancer in Australia. The Roadmap will identify key priority areas for action over the next five years across the continuum of pancreatic cancer care and pancreatic cancer research. Cancer Australia will be seeking broad public consultation and collaborate with key stakeholders, including consumers, and build on the efforts and expertise of the non-government sector in the development of the Roadmap. 

For further information on this initiative, including how you can be involved, visit National Pancreatic Cancer Roadmap

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